There is no greater bliss than feeling free. Free to be yourself. Free to create. Free to give to others. Free to love. Free to make your life what you want it to be.

When I imagine the DNA of freedom, I think of eight essential qualities that enable us to think, act and speak from our truth; a truth that is released from the expectations of others, liberated from inaccurate beliefs we have about ourselves and free from our defensive armor that no longer serves us.
When we deepen our practice of these essential qualities, we experience the unlimited potential, exhilaration and deep satisfaction that comes with freedom. Freedom empowers us to choose a quality life filled with joy and expands our passion for contribution. Here’s how you can free your life.
Love Consciousness
Fall in Love with Yourself.
A deep realization of the love you have for yourself will spread quickly to others, enhancing your relationships and joy of living. Reflect on the unique beauty of your body, mind and spirit. Tune into and affirm all the goodness that comes from you and only you.
Compassion Consciousness
Just Shine!
Let your true nature shine and treat others with care. Compassion allows you to see relationships and situations more accurately, moving you away from your issues and judgments.
Compassion enables you to make decisions that have integrity. When you are truly able to see another’s perspective, both your mind and your heart will open to new possibilities. You will feel centered and pleased knowing you are in alignment with your true nature.
Courage Consciousness
Be Emotionally Daring
We sometimes stay stuck in patterns that help us to feel safe in the world without realizing we no longer need such a high level of protection. It is important to understand the ways in which you keep yourself feeling safe, and therefore limit your range of expression and experience.
Tune in and see if it is time to take a healthy risk and move beyond what makes you uncomfortable. It is likely you are better equipped than you think you are to face fear, pain or anxiety provoking situations.
Divine Connection
Go Within
Give the Divine more space in your life. Deepen your connection with the Divine through prayer, meditation, acts of kindness, love and gratitude. Walk through life with your highest values present in your words and actions. Have faith and make your relationship with the Divine a continual practice. In this connection lives a deep sense of peace, trust, protection and healing.
Reflect Your Truth
Wake Up To Yourself
Look below the surface and make a habit of uncovering the core reasons you think, behave and communicate as you do. Self-awareness is the first step in connecting with your free self, and in learning how you help or hinder your ability to prosper.
Self-awareness can increase through your inner guidance or from the support of a personal life or professional coach, a mentor, a therapist, a spiritual guide or a healer. What would help you bring your free self to life?
Align Emotions and Goals
Emotional Expansion
Take your emotional regulation to the next level. Learn to use your emotions and thoughts in a way that promotes your growth, healthy relationships and personal success. This requires an understanding and acceptance of your emotional experience as well as the ability to tolerate emotions that cause you unease. Learn how to flow with emotion instead of against it.
Start by noticing the variety of emotions that come up for you over the course of a day. Go further by paying attention to where you feel the emotion in your body and to what thoughts you associate with each emotion. These are the first steps to align your emotions with your goals.
Share Goodness
Be a Giver
Live from a place of abundance and give to others everyday, multiple times a day. Give your time, your praise, your patience, your money, your gratitude, your love, your kindness and all the gifts and skill and beauty that make up you. Tune into what others might need and to how good it feels to be a giver.
Deep Well of Strength
Live Heart First
Time and time again it amazes me how much healing and grace comes from tapping into the purest place of my heart. Take the time to find your true heart and learn how to drop into that part of your being at will. Once you do, notice how your thoughts and reactions to challenging situations change. You will see things more clearly. What troubled you, no longer has the same power. Your ability to forgive is easier. Your compassion increases. You become a giver. Your boundaries become clearer. Your love for other beings and life itself intensifies. Hidden in your heart is a deep well of strength.